Meta: @nonparallel Lifecycle: After: Outcome: ANY Given the tester cleans up Capability Period between #${context.TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# and #${context.TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# Scenario: Test (PRIOR) Given an application XXX And an existing MP user who have #SELL# privileges and doesn't have ## privileges for organization #NYC# And an available ## Capability Period between #${resource.BEGINNING_OF_SHARED_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# and #${resource.END_OF_SHARED_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# And dataset of #LOCATION_SEASON# of #${context.TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# from template #DATA_SETUP_BASELINE/Summer 2016# And information of #${context.TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# with the following attributes: |Owner |Seller Location|Buyer Location|Seller|Buyer| MW |Name | |ALBANY| TROY | TROY | Org. | NYC |5.6,,4|GEN_1| Given event with the following attributes: |Event| Capability Period | Delivery Month |System| Start Date Time | Start Date Display Text | End Date Time |End Date Display Text| |Offer|${context.TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}|MMM/YYYY:TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD_START_DAY| XXXX |date_hour_minute_second:now+5.minutes|Offer period open - Test Automation|date_hour_minute_second:now+10.minutes| Test Automation | When the user clicks the #Menu# menu option Then the text #Notice# is visible Scenario: Test (OPEN) Given an application XXX And a closed event category # Offer# And an existing MP user who have #OFFER_TO_SELL# privileges and doesn't have ## privileges for organization #Long Island# And an available ## Capability Period between #${resource.BEGINNING_OF_SHARED_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# and #${resource.END_OF_SHARED_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# And dataset of #LOCATION_SEASON# of #${context.TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# from template #DATA_SETUP_BASELINE/Summer 2016# And Bilaterals of #${context.TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}# with the following attributes: | Owner |Seller Location|Buyer Location|Seller| Buyer | MW |Bilateral Type|PTID Name| |Long Island| NYC | NYC |Energy|Long Island|5.6,,4| Regular | GEN__2 | Given event with the following attributes: |Event| Capability Period | Delivery Month |System|Access Control| Start Date Time | |Offer|${context.TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD}|MMM/YYYY:TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD_START_DAY| ICAP | Internal |date_hour_minute_second:now-5.minutes| !-- MP can Add offer through "Enter Offer" page When the user clicks the #Menu# menu option Then the text #Good# is visible When the user selects #Test# from the #Auction Type# dropdown When the user selects #MMM/YYYY:TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD_START_DAY# from the #Month# dropdown When the user selects #MMM/YYYY:TEST_CAPABILITY_PERIOD_START_DAY# from the #Month# dropdown When the user clicks the #Display# button Then the text #Add To Cart# is visible When the user selects #NYC# from the #Location# dropdown And the user types #1# into the #Offer# input And the user clicks the #Add to Cart# button Then the user checks the #Offer# table for the following: |Location|Offer MW|Offer| Total | | NYC | 1.0 |$1.00|$1,000.00| When the user clicks the #Save# button Then the document contains the text #Success#