As system, step and attachment ids must be provided in the response of the REST API for Test step update.
POST /rest/raven/1.0/api/test/{testKey}/step/{id}
Example input
{ "step": "example step", "data": "example data", "result": "example result", "attachments": { "add": [{ "data": "gsddfgdsfg...(base64) ", "filename": "example1.txt", "contentType": "plain/text" }, { "data": "gsddfgdsfg...(base64) ", "filename": "example2.txt", "contentType": "plain/text" }], "remove": [ 141, 105 ] } }
Example of response
{ "id": 123, "attachmentIds": [11, 12] }
- the id of the step must always be returned
- the attachment ids returned will be only the ones corresponding to the added ones in the request
- it shall be possible to just add/remove attachments (i.e. without passing the step/data/result attributes)