Status: New
Resolution: Unresolved
As an admin, I can set Execution Evidence or any Test run custom fields as mandatory so that the Tester is obliged to add some type of information (like evidences, etc.) before concluding the test.
Also, the mandatory option can be rule based.
For instance, be able to configure rules like these:
- If I select PASS: at least the 'comment' is mandatory. It could be useful if a popup is there.
- If I select FAIL: 'comment' and 'defects' is mandatory. It could be useful if a popup is there to add/associate a bug
- If I select PASS: ideally, it would not allow the step state to change without attaching evidences and/or entering a comment
- If I select FAIL: ideally, it would not allow the step state to change without attaching evidences and/or entering a comment or associating a bug
Issue Links
- is cloned by
XRAYCLOUD-8262 As an admin, I can set Execution Evidence or any Test run custom fields in Test Execution Screen as Mandatory
- New
- relates to
XRAY-3235 As an Admin I can set as mandatory any Test Run custom field
- Under Analysis