Users must be able to use the Xray REST API to import test cases in JSON format.
The JSON format will be the following:
[ { "summary": "My new Test Case", "description": "Desc", "project": { "id": "123"}, // "project": { "key": "CALC"} (...) "xray_testtype": "Manual", "xray_steps": [ { "step":"Step 1", "data":"Data for Step 1", "result":"Result for Steps 1" }, { "step":"Step 2" }, { "step":"Step 3", "data":"Data for Step 3" }, { "step":"Step 4", "result":"Result for Step 4" } ], "xray_gherkin_def": "", "xray_unstructured_def": "" } ]
All issue fields must be supported and the schema should be the same as found here: /rest/api/2/issue/bulk.
The Xray fields can be prefixed with "xray_" to disambiguate possible duplicated in Jira. This is optional. This means fields can just be referenced by "steps", "testType".
The REST API endpoints should be:
The project can either be specified as a query parameter or it can be specified on individual test level; project specified at test level will override the value specified, if specified, using the query parameter