Status: Waiting for Validation
Resolution: Unresolved
XRAYCLOUD 2024 Sprint 17, XRAYCLOUD 2025 Sprint 1
Title:Â Mapping Execution Status don't work correctly with new Test Statuses
Short description: In Xray it's possible to create new Test Statuses and new Test Step Statuses and you can associate that status to your test run, and when we export the Mapping Execution Status, he doesn't work correctly for that new statuses
Steps to reproduce:
- Create a template with a for test runs and the mapping Execution status inside and install the template in your Jira instance
- Create a new Test Statuses and associate in one test run from one test
- In the test used in step 2 export the template created in step 1
Actual Result: When exporting appears the id from the status
Expected Result: It should export the name of the status instead of the id