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  1. Xray for Jira Cloud
  2. XRAYCLOUD-554

As system, I provide a REST API endpoint to import Cucumber Test specifications



    • Story
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Done
    • None
    • 1.006.000
    • REST API
    • None
    • R1.006.000 S2
    • OK


      A new REST API endpoint must be provided to allow users to import Cucumber Test specifications: /api/1.0/import/feature

      The input for the endpoint must be:

      •  .feature file or
      • a zip file containing multiple .feature files

      The files in the zip file may be in folders/subfolders.

      The endpoint parameters are:

      • projectKey - Jira project Key
      • projectId - Jira project ID
      • source - a name designating the source of the features being imported (e.g. the source project name) 


      Each .feature file will be processed and will try to find or create a Test/Pre-Condition inside the project given in the projectKey parameter. We use the following rules:


      1. try to find the Test by key, if found then update it; else...
      2. try to find the Test having:
        1. the same source and original relative path of .feature (e.g. "[project_lambda]core/sample_addition.feature) and
          1. same ID (extracted from a scenario label named id:xxx) or
          2. same summary
        2. the same summary in the target project
      3. create Test in that project. The tags used in the scenario/scenario outline are also added as labels.


      1. try to find the Pre-Condition by key, if found then update it; else...
      2. try to find the Pre-Condition having:
        1. the same source and original relative path of .feature (e.g. "[project_lambda]core/sample_addition.feature)
        2. the same summary in the target project
      3. create Pre-Condition in that project. The tags used in the background are also added as labels.


      The mapping from the Scenario/Scenario Outline present in the .feature files to the Test issues in Jira would be as follows:

      Scenario/Scenario Outline Test in JIRA
      name of the Scenario/Scenario Outline "Summary" field
      steps "Scenario" field
      tags of the Scenario/Scenario Outline labels

      The "Feature" section is not imported since the feature itself should exist previously as a Jira requirement issue (e.g., story).

      The exception is the tags before the "Feature: " section; if a requirement issue is found for the specified key, then a "Tests" link is created between the Test and the requirement issue.

      If the Cucumber feature has a background, a Pre-Condition issue will be created, if the issue key in the tag does not exist in JIRA, or updated, containing the information provided in that background.

      If the background has no name, then the Summary of the Pre-Condition is going to be a string containing the keys of the Tests of that Cucumber feature (e.g. "Background for: CALC-1, CALC-2").

      Below is an example of a .feature file containing a Scenario Outline and two Pre Conditions:


      Feature: As a user, I can calculate the sum of 2 numbers     
      		Given that the calculator is turned on
      		And the mode is to advanced
      		Given that the calculator has been reset
      	@UI @core
      	Scenario Outline: Cucumber Test As a user, I can calculate the sum of 2 numbers
      		Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
      		And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
      		When I press <button>
      		Then the result should be <output> on the screen
      		    | input_1 | input_2 | button | output |
      		    | 20      | 30      | add    | 50     |
      		    | 2       | 5       | add    | 7      |
      		    | 0       | 40      | add    | 40     | 
      		    | 4       | 50      | add    | 54     |

      In this other hypotetical example, a feature file is shown containing one Background and two tests: one Scenario Outline and a Scenario. Each Scenario/Scenario Outline is identified by an internal "id:xxx", in order to uniquely identify the scenario within the feature file.


       Feature: As a user, I can calculate the sum of two numbers
         Given I have a calculator
         And I have some fingers
       @id:1 @fast
       Scenario Outline: Cucumber Test As a user, I can calculate the sum of two positive numbers
         Given I have entered <input_1> into the calculator
         And I have entered <input_2> into the calculator
         When I press <button>
         Then the result should be <output> on the screen
       | input_1   | input_2   | button| output|
       | 20        | 30        | add   | 50    |
       | 2         | 5         | add   | 7     |
       | 0         | 40        | add   | 40    |
       | 4         | 50        | add   | 54    |
       | 5         | 50        | add   | 55    |
       Scenario: Cucumber Test As a user, I can calculate the sum of two negative numbers
         Given I have entered -1 into the calculator
         And I have entered -3 into the calculator
         When I press add
         Then the result should be -4 on the screen


      Whenever this feature is imported for the first time, assuming it was imported from file named "features/addition.feature" in a zip file,

      • a Pre-Condition with the summary  "Background for: <issue_key_of_first_test>,<issue_key_of_second_test>" will be created;
      • a Cucumber Test of type "Scenario Outline" will be created, having the summary "Cucumber Test As a user, I can calculate the sum of two positive numbers". The Test will have the label "fast";
      • a Cucumber Test of type "Scenario" will be created, having the summary "Cucumber Test As a user, I can calculate the sum of two negative numbers";
      • All previous Tests will be linked to the requirement CALC-1910


      Whenever this same feature is imported for the second and following times, assuming it was imported from file named "features/addition.feature" in a zip file,

      • a Pre-Condition with the summary  "Background for: <issue_key_of_first_test>,<issue_key_of_second_test>" and the label "features/addition.feature" will be updated;
      • a Cucumber Test  having the labels "features/addition.feature" and "id:1" will be updated with the specification of the Scenario Outline; The Test will have the label "fast" (added if needed);
      • a Cucumber Test  having the labels "features/addition.feature" and "id:1" will be updated with the specification of the Scenario;
      • All previous Tests will be linked to the requirement CALC-1910




            ampr Andre Rodrigues [X] (Inactive)
            bmpc Bruno Conde
            0 Vote for this issue
            0 Start watching this issue



              Time Tracking

                Original Estimate - 1 week
                Time Spent - 4 days Remaining Estimate - 1 day
                Time Spent - 4 days Remaining Estimate - 1 day