Status: Closed
Resolution: Not a Problem
R1.007.000 S2, R1.008.000 S1, R1.008.000 S2, R1.008.000 S3
Short Description: Test Runs List gadget does not return the correct results (between similar project and filter sources) for projects than contain more than 1000 Test Executions but then are filtered by a filtered field to return less than 1000 Test Executions. The same behavior is observed in the Test Runs List Report.
Steps to Reproduce:
1 - Navigate to xray staging instance.
2 - Go to the Filters and Issues screen and perform the following filter "project = AP AND issuetype in (Test) AND priority = Highest", for example. Verify that returns 1 Test Case.
3 - Drill down the Test Case and verify that in its details it has 1 Test Execution.
4 - Save that filter as "Priority".
5 - Now, navigate to the Dashboard and add the Test Runs List gadget.
6 - Edit it and select the Filter "Priority" and "Save" it.
Actual Result: it states that no result was found (OK), since the source are the test executions
7 - Now, select the project AP and in the Test Filter, select the "Highest" value as Priority and "Save" it.
Actual Result: is states that there are more than 1000 Test Executions
Expected Result: At least one should be found